Line tool options

This is the palette associated with the line tool.

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  • The Opacity slider helps you define the transparency of the fill. You can make it more or less transparent by dragging the slider.
  • Select a blending mode for the fill. See blending modes fo rmore info.
  • The Line width edit box is for defining a size for the line. Just type in a value in pixels for the line width.
  • Select if you want an arrowhead on starting point (check Head), ending point (checkTail) or on both (select both checkboxes).

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  • Width, Length and Concavity enable you to define a shape for the arrows.


  • Length & Width

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note.jpeg (8965 octets)Width, Length and concavity values are percentage values calculated on the basis of the Line's width. If the width of the line is for example 4 pixels, Typing a Length value for the arrowhead of 300 % will result in a arrow lenght of 12 pixels (4 x 300 % = 12).

  • Concavity

You can type either positive or negative values to define the shape of the arrowhead as follows :

arrowex3.gif (1338 octets)